boot with a Live CD
- run fdisk (if needed)
- run mkfs,
For example: mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1
- mount new disk,
for example: mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1
- mkdir usr on new mount point
- untar a few packages into new usr/ directory (after retrieving if needed):
glibc, linux-kernel, bash, ncurses, coreutils, bzip2,
pkg_install, db4 (used by pkg_install), tnftp, pax,
sysvinit. (Extract using -p switch to preserve attributes.)
- setup lilo.conf and run lilo (or setup grub or other boot loader)
- make sure /etc/inittab will boot up a shell for you
- run mkswap,
for example: mkswap /dev/hda2
- setup /etc/fstab (including swap)
- reboot to new system
- run pkg_add on the packages extracted manually to get them properly registered
- use pkg_add to install more
- later put a few /etc/pam.d/ and /etc/services files in
place, since not in linux-configs package yet.
need to do: make a simple tarball with bare minimum packages to extract
and use